Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Two in one Day

"Lucy Librarian"  mixed media on canvas

 Hi Again Myra,

Lucy is evolving, she has reading glasses, a face and now music floating around her head!!

I'm getting closer to getting back on track, my computer woes are easing up!


April is Here!

No title yet... 4 feet by 4 feet  mixed media on canvas
Myra! Hi!

Wow, have I been busy and I'm still busy!
I worked on this painting more and I am now going to stop.
There is the corner of a dollar bill on the yellow house.

I've been having a little trouble with my computer lately so I'm struggling with blog posting. I'm going to put some time into it today and see if I can get it resolved. Hope to post later again today or tomorrow for sure!

Have a great day!